Moderated by Matt: LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER at San Diego Comic Con 2024
Matt Ryan travels to Middle Earth to interview the cast of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power at the 2024 San Diego Comic Convention.
Morfydd Clark (Galadriel) - :00:01
Charlie Vickers (Halbrand/Sauron) - 01:24
Daniel Weyman (The Stranger/Maybe Gandalf) - 04:23
Megan Richards (Poppy Proudfellow) - 08:00
Sam Hazeldine (Adar) - 08:38
Robert Strange (Glug) -10:17
Charles Edwards (Lord Celebrimbor) - 12:43
Benjamin Walker (High King Gil-galad) - 13.52
Ismael Cruz Cordova (Arondir) - 15.27
Tyroe Muhafidin (Theo) - 16.28
Sophia Nomvete (Princess Disa) - 17:52
Cynthia Addai-Robinson (Queen Regent Míriel) - 19:05
Trystan Gravelle (Pharaon) - 20:58
Lloyd Owen (Captain Elendil) - 21.33
Ema Horvath (Earien) - 22:41
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