The last update we had on our rustic cabin in the woods building project was when my builder got my bobcat T650 skid steer stuck in the mud and I had to pull him out twice with my Kioti RX7320! Join us for today's cabin build project update to see some of the progress we've made over the last couple of months. The front porch/patio got poured and stamped, vinyl siding is nearly finished, the maple cabinets and insualtion were just delivered and more. Oh and speaking of the maple cabinets, in this video near the end you will see that Sharon wants to paint the Maple cabinets for some color contrast in the rustic cabin! Since the siding inside will be all car siding, aka 'knotty pine,' she wanted to get some paint in color in there. Let us know in the comments what you think about paint, vs, clear coat, vs. stain on the maple cabinets.
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