10 pieces of aburaage (fried tofu pouches):
Boil the Aburaage for 1 to 2 minutes.
Cut the Aburaage in half.
Once the Aburaage has cooled, drain it well.
Seasoning for aburaage:
• 40g sugar
• 45-50g soy sauce
• About 70g mirin
• 400ml water
• Appropriate amount of granulated dashi
After simmering for about 15 minutes with a drop lid, let the pot cool down completely.
After cooling, drain the Aburaage from the sauce.
Seasoning for sushi rice:
• 2 cups of uncooked white rice (about 300g before cooking, about 660g after cooking)
• 1 packet of Nagatanien Sushi Taro
• Appropriate amount of vinegar
The Inari sushi is complete after stuffing the Aburaage with sushi rice.