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Mon Preme Porece | মন প্রেমে পড়েছে । Anika Kabir Shakh | Farhad Babu | Bangla Natok | Eid Natok 2024

Peacock Multimedia 380,160 11 months ago
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Peacock Multimedia Presents Eid Special Bangla Natok Mon Preme Porece | মন প্রেমে পড়েছে . Directed by Milon Bhattacharyya. Starring Anika Kabir Sakh, Farhad Babu & Many More.Honorable Producer Zulkar Nyene Bhuyan Produce Bangla Natok For Peacock Entertainment & Peacock Multimedia. Hope you Will Enjoy Our New Natok . Name: Mon Preme Poreche Story: Akash Sarkar Script: Swarup Kumar Dey Director: Milon Bhattacharyya Cast: Farhad Babu, Anika Kabir Sakh, Abdullah Rana, Istiak Ahmed and others DOP: Nazmul Hassan AD: Plabon, Aktaruzzaman Edit and Color: Akash Sarkar Music: Sojib Das Still: Abdullah Saleh Producer: Zulkar Nyene Bhuyan Label : Peacock Entertainment A Peacock Entertainmen Production Enjoy & stay connected with us! Subscribe to our Channel Peacock Multimedia and Enjoy more Bengali Drama. If you wish to share this video. please embed the video link and share it with your friends the original source. Thank you for watching our video. please subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon to be updated. *** ANTI-PIRACY WARNING *** This content is Copyright to Peacock Multimedia . Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, or re-upload is strictly prohibited from this material. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the following material presented! All rights reserved by Peacock Multimedia . This Visual and Audio Element is Copyrighted Content of Peacock Multimedia . Any Unauthorized Publishing is Strictly Prohibited. #MonPremePorece #AnikaKobirShakh #natok2024 #FarhadBabu #bangladrama #newbanglanatok2024 #newdrama #eidnatok2024 #eidspecial #sadnatok #shokhnewnatok #bangladrama2024 #banglanatok #bangladeshinatok #eidspecialnatok2024 #eidspecialnatok #ahonaeidnatok #farhadbabu #farhadbabueidnatok #bangladrama #natok2024 #ahonanatok #অত্যাচার_নাটক #ahonarahman #ahonarahmannatok #ahonarahmannewnatok #eidnatok2024 #familydrama #MehediHassanHridoynewnatok #AhonaRahmaneidnatok
