All Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Cutscenes. Michi and Chris recorded these in the highest quality possible, furthermore we removed the original music because for some reason in Sunbreak the same song plays in every cutscene and that's a bit disappoitning so here we used the original cool themes of each monster or the area. Also we recorded these without the subtitles and voices for a more cinematic experience. Enjoy!
0:00 Daimyo Hermitaur
1:00 Garangolm
2:02 Blood Orange Bishaten
2:57 Shogun Ceanataur
3:52 Aurora Somnacanth
4:50 Lunagaron
5:51 Astalos
6:36 Seregios
7:26 Magma Almudron
8:29 Espinas
9:14 Gore Magala
10:08 Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
10:56 Malzeno
11:51 Shagaru Magala
12:39 Gaismagorm
13:21 Furious Rajang
14:15 Scorned Magnamalo
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