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Helps out the channel a lot! Thank you! :D
A 3D Size Comparison of all the monsters, kaijus, and creatures in Godzilla Vs Kong!
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Certain monster models made by or sculpted by ZUL - https://twitter.com/ZulhazreenZulk1
Certain Animations done by FRAMED - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI6YjMsSDHan24yI7wyFH4Q
HEAV model made by Plasma - https://youtube.com/channel/UCAGDCTktGXPS0AxwcTT0dyg
The rest was made by me! :D
If I missed any credits please email me and I'll do my best to correct it! Cheers!
#Godzilla Vs Kong
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