0:46 Introduction
2:07 My GPA led to permanent hearing loss, however, I don't well understand what
happened. Are you able to provide some common reasons for this permanent
6:35 What are your thoughts on less invasive balloon sinuplasty for vasculitis patients?
8:16 Is it common for GPA to start in sinusitis and then that clears and moves to other
symptoms joint pain and eye pain but no sinusitis?
9:35 How can eustachian tube dysfunction present when GPA is the culprit? Is this a
common presentation?
11:03 You say to avoid surgery, but in the presence of invasive polyps is that the case? I
had two surgeries within 12 weeks for severe presentations of polyps. were they
potentially avoidable?
12:41 I use hydropulse nasal irrigation and it is effective. I had no relief with the 6oz
bottle. Do you recommend hydro pulse?
14:00 How do you know if the crusting and mucus is normal and not inflammation or
residue from the GPA damage?
15:19 What does a sinus biopsy show when it is positive for vasculitis?
16:55 Once you’re diagnosed and mostly under control, how common is it to develop
saddle nose?
18:44 Can sinus involvement also affect the teeth or mouth?
19:43 Have you ever dealt with a patient who had sinus involvement with vasculitis and
they wanted to get a nose ring, or a small metal stud. If so, how did you advise
them on risks?
21:50 Can you share the key points that you would tell a patient who has sinus
More Q&A on Sinuses and Vasculitis
Recorded June 2024