Well this day didn't quiet go as planed but in the end, it was a cracker day on the water. I have a soft spot for spotted mackerel as I would chase them on a family holiday down the coast growing up. So when I get on to some spotties, I brings back some good memories.
So, heading out of the Brisbane river I was meet with less an ideal conditions after recent rain. Next option was to head to Mud island while I waited for the wind to back off. It started slow there but had a blast with some good tailor and a couple bream in the shallows.
The wind stopped on clue and I headed to Harries for my revenge on a big bay snapper. I got him on but again, I pulled the hooks!
While fishing there, I spotted some surface activity and the lost snapper was soon forgotten as I got stuck in to some quality bay spotted mackerel.
After cleaning up the mess in the boat I cruised back on smooth seas as the northerly started to pick up for the afternoon.
What a cracker day!