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Morning Prayer | मैं तुम्हारा चंगा करने वाला यहोवा परमेश्वर | Pastor Man Chandra Bharti

Thanks Yeshu 3,803 1 day ago
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Welcome to the thankss yeshu YouTube channel, your spiritual sanctuary for divineinspiration, and powerful teachings. Led byApostle Man chandra bharti and his wife, Pastor Aradhana bharti, our channel is dedicated tospreading the message of faith and hope. Here, you'll find a treasure trove of resources to upliftyour spirit, including live meetings from thanks yeshu, healing prayer hours, and Sunday meeting gatherings. Join us in experiencingthe transformative power of faith through thepassionate sermons and ministry of Apostle Man Chandra Bharti. Explore our collection of worship songs in Hindi that will touch your heart and deepen yourconnection with the divine. Dive into the spiritualrealm with Man chandra bharti fire prayers, andbe part of our prayer mountain community. This is the only official youtube channel of thanks yeshu ! beware of fraudsters - any other channel claiming to be apostle man chandra bharti or associated with thanks yeshu are fake & fraudulent ►Follow us on Facebook:- ►Follow usInstagram :- FOR MORE LATEST UPDATES SUBSCRIBE TO OURYOUTUBE CHANNEL For Further Inquiries, Please Feel Free To Contact UsOn Our Praver Line Number :- 9559-356-727 [ Online Prayer ] Sunday live Meeting Time:9:00 PM To 11:00 PM Disclaimer यह वीडियो किसी धर्म किसी जाति के खिलाफ नहीं है न ही किसी समुदाय के विरूद्ध बोला गया है हमारी प्रार्थना उनके लिए है जो प्रभु यीशु मसीह पर विश्वास रखते है सिर्फ प्रभु यीशु मसीह के नाम की महिमा के लिए है यदि किसी को इस वीडियो के द्वारा ठेस पहुंचता है किसी कारण वह आहत होता हैं तो कृपया हमारी वीडियो ना देखे धन्यवाद प्रभु आपके परिवार को आशीष करें आमीन #thanksyeshu #pastormanchandrabharti#morningprayer
