^•^ Hey guys ^•^
I’ve prepared morning study vlog and daily routine. I hope you will enjoy it 🙃
Let’s get productive with me :)
💜 If you know other languages, please contribute TRANSLATION here 💜
thank you in advance ( ಠ◡ಠ )
🍩 Pajamas: https://a-bly.com/app/goods/1481213
🍩 Name of the book : “Shining Moment” by Paulo Coelho
🍩 Lots of my friends saying that I didn’t turn off the water while I was brushing my teeth.
The fact is hot water don’t come out right away, so I have to wait it. That’s why I first use cold water for my teeth then wait while brushing them. I hope you understand me :)
💜 Don’t forget to subscribe if you like my videos, so see you on my next vlog :)
please watch in 1080HD!
If you have any questions or just want to contact, feel free to write me on Instagram.
➡️ Instagram : @sunnyvlog26 | https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvlog26/
📩 Business email : [email protected]
1) Morning by https://soundcloud.com/lukrembo
2) Pair Piano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adpQx...
3) 🎈Song: Daystar - AM 5.00 / https://youtu.be/i-XtdTSC2fI
Thank you
#6ammorning #studyvlog #productiveday #morningroutine2021