In "If That's What He Says To Do", Taryl tackles the MOST DANGEROUS snowblower EVER MADE and attempts to get this old boy running again. See what it takes in order to do just that and also enjoy another classic storyline between Grandpa Gary and Little Johnny. Johnny is at it again making grandpa's retirement misery in another hilarious sketch. When Grandpa Gary hits a wall trying to fix his own small engine at home, Little Johnny takes it upon himself to call Taryl for help... the only problem is, he mis-hears what he's saying and has Grandpa pulling out what's left of his grey hair! So sit back and laugh and learn with the ONLY channel on YouTube going the extra mile to bring you entertainment and knowledge all-in-one! And as Taryl always says... There's Your Dinner!! Facebook: Instagram: Merch Shipping Worldwide: Get Your Parts From and Tell 'em "Taryl Sent Me!" Grass Rats Garage Theme Music Available!! Available on CD or Cassette Tape from the Taryl Online Store: #tarylfixesall #grassratsgarage #snowblower #murray #craftsman #willitrun #oldsnowblower #snowthrower #smallenginerepair #DIY #littlejohnny #grandpagary #mechanichumor #hillbillyhumor #funnyhowtovideos