Dates are very famous sweet dry fruits in tropical regions and Pakistan and India.
It has low water content as it is dried but every 100grams of it contains 277 k cals,75 grams of Carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein,40% Copper of daily requirement, 15% potassium,15% Vitamin B8,13% Magnesium, 13% Manganese and 5% Iron.
Dates are good for those who want to lose weight and also has low glycemic index.
Health benefits of Dates
.khajoor khanay kay Faiday
#dates #khajoor
About Me
My Name Is Dr Afzal.I Graduated From Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore.
Based On Almost 20 Years Of My Experience In Field Of Medicine I Strongly Believe That If You Want A Healthy SocietyThen First & Foremost You Need To Educate & Inform People Living Around You About Their Basic Health Problems In The Easiest Possible Way.And In This Regard I Honestly Believe There Can Not Be A Plateform As Goid As Youtube Which Helps To Bring This Dream To Reality So Here I Present Myself With The Most Updated Medical Knowledge in Simplest Possible Way.But As I Always Say Its Just An Informative Video And It Can IN WAY be a substitute Of Your Primary Physician or Your Primary Doctor.
So I Always always Request You To Please Consult Your Primary Health Care Provider In Case You Have any health Issue.
Dr Muhammad Afzal