In this video we will explore the world of Jinn queens. We will learn about their magical powers and the supernatural abilities they grant to humans.
We will also come across the mysterious ways of summoning them.
Some of these Jinn queen can grant wishes, some can find treasures... and some can even tell you about the future.
It is important to note that the information in this video is entirely based on Arabian folktales, urban legends, and Arabic magic grimoires (mainly Shams Al-Ma'arif Al-Kubra).
Also, you may find similarities between these Jinn/Djinn queens and mythical female entities from other cultures. This resemblance is likely due to the influence of urban legends, where people would usually add elements from different cultures to create more intriguing stories.
- Related videos:
The 7 Kings of Jinn:
Jinn Explained:
Shams Alma'arif book:
- More Videos on mythology:
- Video content:
00:00 Introduction
00:25 the lady of light
01:42 Na'ela
02:32 Zakhbilah
02:53 Ruqayyah
04:06 the Four Daughters of Iblis/Satan
05:09 Nayla
06:24 Mansa
07:25 Shams
08:16 Zanghorah
08:39 Maymunah
Thanks for watching!
#Jinn #Genie