Go to https://buyraycon.com/evanandkatelyn for 15% off your order. Brought to you by Raycon. We finally moved into our new house! Hope the Supurrvisor approves...
Check out the Patreon Aftershow for:
• How Joob has done since that first night
• Expectations vs reality of how the move will go
• Some of the additional stuff we did to prep
• How we feel about the new house and old house now that we've moved
If you're a Patron already, watch it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/moving-vlog-pt-2-52382040
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🎥 FILMING GEAR (affiliate)
Awesome Call, Bassa Island, Doh De Oh, Fast Talkin, Fig Leaf Times Two, Heartwarming, Hep Cats, Investigations, Sneaky Snitch, Supernatural, Touching Moments Five by Kevin MacLeod