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moving to countryside | cottage by the sea. 海の家にお引越し -story 1

FUKIKO 9,929 1 week ago
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#rurallife #countrysidelife #simplelife ●English follows Japanese. みなさんお久しぶりです。つい最近、海がみえる家にお引越しをしました。 森から海に来た経緯はこちらに書いてみたので、よろしければ見ていただけると嬉しいです。(日本語のみです) これからも蓼科の森の家は変わらずにあるので、海と森を行ったり来たりする生活になります。新しいお家の周りは南の森と野原に囲まれていて、海まで歩いて行ける場所。お家は築40年と古いので、これから夫と一緒に家を少しづつ改修しながら、ここでの暮らしをつくっていきたいです。新しい環境では、森の植生がバラエティに富んでいるので、今後はさらに自然の草木やお花、さらには海からの恵みを生活にとりいれる喜びをお届けできるかなあ、とワクワクしています! 今回は、蓼科とは180度違う南国の森や庭を歩きながら、自然のものを使って料理を作りました。椿餅は餡子を包んだお餅を椿の葉で挟んだ和菓子です。日本最古の餅菓子ともいわれていて、源氏物語などにも登場しています。椿の花びら寿司は花びらを軽く茹でてから甘酢漬けにして酢飯にのせています。すべて美味しかったので、身近に椿の葉や花びらがあったらぜひお試しください! 最後のシーンは駐車場から家へと続く階段が草に覆われて通れなかったのできれいにしています。今は新居にあまりモノや食材がなくて凝った料理はできないですが、毎日少しづつ生活が良くなっていくのが楽しいです。 =お品書き ・椿餅 ・椿と菜の花の花びら寿司 ・夏みかんと春野菜のバルサミコサラダ ーーーーーーーーーーーーー Hi everyone, it's been a while. I recently moved to a house by the sea in southern peninsula. I wrote about how I came to the sea from the forest here, so I hope you'll take a look if you'd like. (Japanese only) The house in the forest in Tateshina will remain as it is, so I will be going back and forth between the sea and the forest. The new house is surrounded by southern forests and fields, and is within walking distance to the sea. The house is 40 years old, so I would like to renovate it little by little with my husband and create a life here. In our new environment, the forest vegetation is rich in variety, so I am excited to think that I will be able to bring you the joy of incorporating even more natural plants, flowers, and even the bounty of the sea into your life! This time, I walked through the tropical forests and my gardens, which are 180 degrees different from Tateshina, and made food using trees and flowers. Tsubakimochi is a Japanese sweet made of rice cakes wrapped in bean paste and sandwiched between camellia leaves. It is said to be the oldest rice cake sweet in Japan, and is said to appear in the Tale of Genji and other stories. Camellia petal sushi is made by lightly boiling the petals, then pickling them in sweet vinegar and placing them on vinegared rice. Everything was delicious, so if you have camellia leaves or petals around, please give it a try! In the last scene, the stairs leading from the parking lot to the house were covered with weeds and were impossible to pass through, so I cleaned them up. I don't have many things or ingredients in my new house right now, so I can't cook elaborate meals, but I'm enjoying how my life is getting better little by little every day. = Menu ・ Tsubakimochi (Camellia mochi) ・ Camellia and rapeseed petal sushi ・ Summer mandarin and spring vegetable balsamic salad
