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Mozart ~ Ave Verum Corpus ~ Leonard Bernstein

Etta's Favourites 1,000,236 15 years ago
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Latin text Ave, verum corpus natum de/ex Maria Virgine: vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine: cuius latus perforatum unda fluxit et sanguine: [or, fluxit aqua et sanguine:] esto nobis praegustatum, in mortis examine. [O clemens, O pie, O dulcis Jesu, Fili Mariae.] Spanish translation Salve, verdadero cuerpo, nacido de María Virgen, que fue inmolado en la cruz por los hombres, cuyo lado perforado manó sangre y agua, dejanos degustarte en el trance de la muerte. Portuguese translation Ó verdadeiro corpo do Senhor, nascido para nós da virgem Maria. Que sofreu e foi imolado na cruz pelos homens, de cujo lado perfurado jorra sangue e água. Deixai-nos saborear-vos na hora da nossa morte. Alternative translation Salve o verdadeiro corpo nascido da virgem Maria verdadeiramente sofrido e imolado na cruz pelo bem dos homens cujo flanco perfurado manou água e sangue Sejai para nós a primeira prova da experiência da morte. French translation Salut vrai corps né de la vierge Marie Qui est mort et a été immolé pour les hommes, Dont le côté a été percé et d'où a jailli l'eau et le sang. Sois pour nous un avant-goût de l'heure de notre mort. English translation Hail the true body, born of the Virgin Mary: You who truly suffered and were sacrificed on the cross for the sake of man. From whose pierced flank flowed water and blood: Be a foretaste for us in the trial of death. Metrical translation I Jesu, Word of God Incarnate, of the virgin Mary born, On the cross thy sacred body for us men with nails was torn Cleanse us, by thy blood and water Streaming from thy pierced side; Feed us with thy body broken, Now in death's agony! O Jesu, hear us Son of Mary. Metrical translation II Jesu, Lamb of God, Redeemer, born the virgin Mary's Son, who upon the cross a victim hast man's salvation won. From whose side, which man had pierced flow'd the water and the blood, by thy sacred body broken, Be in life and death our food. O Jesu, be in life and death our food Dutch translation Die voor de mensheid waarachtig geleden heeft en aan het kruis geslagen is Wiens zijde doorboord is, waaruit bloed heeft gestroomd Degene die voor ons de beproeving van de dood heeft gesmaakt German translation by Peter Gerloff Gruß dir, wahrer Leib, geboren aus Marias reinem Schoß! Heimzuführen, was verloren, trugst du Kreuz und Todeslos. Von der speerdurchbohrten Seite flossen Blut und Wasser rot. Sei uns Vorgeschmack im Streite, Himmelskraft in Sterbensnot! Polish translation Bądź pozdrowione prawdziwe Ciało, Narodzone z Maryi Dziewicy, Które prawdziwie cierpiało W ofierze na krzyżu za człowieka. Jego bok przebity opłynął krwią i wodą, Abyśmy go zakosztowali podczas sądu w godzinę śmierci. O Jezu słodki! O Jezu, łaskawy! O Jezu synu Maryi. ~ Leonard Bernstein playlist: ~
