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Today on Quinton Reviews, we look at one of Nickelodeon’s strangest creations (although there have been quite a few!), the 2005 puppet show Mr. Meaty. Pretty much the opposite of something like Spongebob Squarepants, Mr. Meaty was canceled almost immediately but then was then buried so long that it didn’t finish airing until 2009. Most kids my age remember being upset by the program, but did it get a bad rep? That’s what I want to figure out today.
Leave comments below for other Nickelodeon Halloween Specials you want me to look at this month. Also, as I announce at the end, we have a new subscriber goal! If we get to 400k by the end of the year, I will be making an iCarly video! So if you want that to happen, hit subscribe! Thank you guys for this support this year. I love you all. :)
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