Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim. Children will enjoy learning the Purim story, meeting the important characters, playing games, and singing lots of songs to celebrate.
With special guests: Ariel Stein (@jewishfamilymagic) and Rabbi Josh Franklin (@rabbijoshfranklin.)
Instrumentals by Jannah Kenney. Graphics by Lana Botha.
0:00 Introduction
0:13 What is Purim?
0:48 SINGALONG "Mishenichnas Adar"
3:15 The Purim Megillah: Part 1
4:20 GAME: Gem Shapes on Esther's Crown
5:24 The Purim Megillah: Part 2
6:32 Learn Math and Hebrew with Haman's Hat
8:03 SINGALONG "My Hat Has 3 Corners"
10:24 Learn About Groggers
11:02 CRAFT: Make a Grogger with Ms. Ariel
11:59 SINGALONG "4 Little Groggers"
12:43 The Purim Megillah: Part 3
13:40 SINGALONG "The Purim Megillah Song"
15:10 Learn About Esther and Mordechai with Rabbi Josh
17:43 SINGALONG "The Ones Who Saved the Day"
18:56 Learn About Hamantaschen
20:57 SINGALONG "Chag Purim!" and Closing
Follow Ms. Sara on Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singitwithsara/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@UC2-FigT0Tkz_cFdCaSRZ6hw
Support Ms. Sara's mission to provide high-quality, educational kids' content centered on Judaism, Jewish values, Hebrew language, and Israel advocacy: https://rb.gy/fs45xi
#purim #Esther #purimstory #purimmegillah #megillah #adar #purimholiday #celebratepurim #haman #grogger #hamantaschen #purimfoods #purimsongs #hebrew #learnhebrew #hebrewsongs #hebrewsingalongs s #hebrewshapes #preschool #toddlerlearning #jewishloddler #jewishkids #jewishfamily #jewishmoms #jewishtoddlers #hebrewschool #hebrewschoolteacher #hebrewforkids #hebrewsongsforkids #songsforlittles #mssara #singalongs #preschoolsingalongs #jewishsingalongs #hebrewsingalongs