A quick showcase of MS & IniBuild's CAP-4 Paulistinha (v1.0*) in MSFS 2024 SU1 - WU 20: Brazil. A new addition to the Famous Flyers collection as part of Asobo's "Make good" promise, an initiative to give back to the community given the launch state of MSFS 2024.
Flight is from Barra da Tijuca to Central Rio de Janeiro.
*I do not currently know the package version, so I put 1.0 as a placeholder, this was recorded on 3/11/2025 in version SU1 v1.3.23.0 | WU Brazil.
00:00 Flight Plan / Loading in
00:40 External inspection / pre-checks
01:58 Internal inspection / Startup procedure
03:23 Taxi to runway
05:30 Take-off
07:15 Water Physics check (crash)
07:48 Crash recovery
8:10 Flying around 1
10:52 Dangerous Climb
12:11 Welcome to Rio
14:30 'Christ the Redeemer' P.O.I.
15:23 Flying around 2
17:12 Colorful climbing wall P.O.I.
18:14 Flying around 3 / Aerobatic performance
21:00 Boat (Lady Lee?)
21:55 Landing
23:11 Taxi to parking
23L46 Shutdown procedure