This is a meta game analysis where I look at popular decks and discuss how to interact with those decks.
*Update: just days after publishing, it seems as if Nadu decks are not so popular and Oops All Spells is more popular, so be aware. I suggest watching Ecobaronen's account for updated overviews.
This is for MtG players who:
* are adapting their decks to improve their chances against current top decks,
* reflect on the state of the metagame, and
* want to approach the format coming from other formats like Modern or Pioneer.
The discussion is from the perspective of decks I usually play, being midrange creature-based strategies of any color combination but more focused on WUBG. I think it'll be a relevant discussion for many fair decks.
I'm not all familiar with the current state of the metagame, and I suppose it's evolving a lot right now, and the discussion should be viewed as a draft. I was happy with my reflections before the B&R update in December so I'll build on that.
This segment of my past videos has seemed popular so I thought I'd try focusing on this, which I enjoy.
I encourage your suggestions on cards I should discuss, things I may be getting wrong, or if you think the metagame listing could be improved in some way. Or anything else you feel like commenting on.
00:00 Introduction
00:54 Metagame overview
03:49 NO Nadu
08:48 Bant Nadu
10:43 Cephalid Breakfast
11:31 Eldrazi
15:55 Red Stompy
19:37 UB/Grixis/RUG Tempo
21:56 UB Reanimator
25:12 Final comments