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Check out Dr Janelle’s online course Real Relief Foundations.
Download a copy of the MTHFR gene treatment report:
******Vitamin B12, Methylfolate(MTHF) and other Methylation Supplements for compensating for the MTHFR genetic weaknesses******
Option 1: Supplement with a B Complex or Multivitamin with methylfolate and methylB12
*Seeking Health B Complex plus:
*Seeking Health Optimal Multivitamin Methyl One:
Option 2: Supplement with methylfolate and vitamin B12
*Seeking Health Active B12 1000 (Vitamin B12 1000mcg per lozenge)
*Seeking Health Active B12 with L-5-MTHF (Vitamin B12 1000mcg and MTHF/Methylfolate 800mcg per lozenge)
****Troubleshooting Supplements:****
1) Consider taking an electrolyte supplement especially if methylfolate gives you muscle aches.
Seeking Health Optimal Electrolyte:
2) Consider taking a small amount of niacin (50mg) alongside the methylB12 and methylfolate.
Seeking Health Niacin:
3) Consider hydroxyB12 and folinic acid supplements (instead of methylated B12 and methylfolate)
*Seeking Health HydroxoB12 with Folinic acid:
*Seeking Health HydroxoB12:
*Seeking Health Folinic Acid:
In this video Dr Janelle Sinclair talks about MTHFR treatment considerations. This is part of a video series on genetic testing for mental health. Last weeks video was on MTHFR gene mutation symptoms and health conditions. In this second video on MTHFR, Dr Janelle discusses MTHFR mutation treatment which includes MTHFR diet, lifestyle, medications to avoid and methyfolate supplement options. A methylation diet including vitamin B12 and folate rich foods is covered, as well as what foods to avoid. Methylation supplements play an important part in compensating for the MTHFR genetic mutations. L Methyfolate uses, methylfolate benefits, methyfolate side effects, methyfolate vs folinic aci,d and methylfolate vs folic acid are discussed briefly. A troubleshooting guide discussing MTHFR supplements and side effects is included. Methyfolate can be very helpful for depression and anxiety.
See the PART 1 Video: MTHFR GENE MUTATION Symptoms and Health Conditions:
See the full Genetic Testing for Mental Health Series:
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*Dr Janelle Sinclair received her PhD in biochemistry from the University of Basel, Switzerland in 2003. Her use of "doctor" or "Dr." in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr Janelle is a licensed natural health practitioner in New Zealand. The content contained in this video is strictly the opinion of Dr Janelle Sinclair, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr Sinclair and you. Dr Janelle nor Conscious Health Ltd are not liable or responsible for any possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content should seek advice from a physician or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or interactions of supplements with medications. This description may contain affiliate links.