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MULTISUB【Perfect Match?錯點鴛鴦】▶ EP 01 | 她為家族替嫁,他為復仇娶妻?一場錯嫁,卻意外成就神仙眷情侶!逆襲主母與霸道夫君攜手解開驚天陰謀! (趙麗穎、宋軼事、韓棟)

森宇古装剧场 6,501 6 days ago
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▶️全集播放: ?更新时间:2月24日12:00(GMT+8)起每日更新 ?Schedule: Everyday at 12:00 (GMT+8) since 24th Feb 【剧情介绍】 北宋中期,奸商苏光平想要谋取傲龙堡主人石无忌的财产,提出联姻要求。一直怀疑苏光平和二十年前的灭门血案有关的石无忌挑选了苏家庶出女儿苏幻儿作为联姻对象。苏幻儿逃婚时跌落悬崖。 为了阴谋能够顺利进行,苏光平威逼长得与幻儿有几分相似的私生女杨意柳代嫁。 纯真机敏、个性好强的杨意柳在石家受尽冷眼、奚落,却在宵小来袭时救了石家四小姐石无暇,巧妙化解了石家三少爷石无介的心结。 苏幻儿不知不觉间给冰冷的石家带来温暖,更融化了石无忌和二弟石无痕的心。知己马仙梅也来到石家要求和幻儿共享一夫,她不但向石家证明自己的真心,还要捍卫自己的家庭。最终赢得石家信任的她与石家兄弟一起,破坏苏光平的阴谋,查清当年血案的真相...... 【Synopsis】 Su Huan Er got a bad feeling when Shi Wu Ji agreed to marry her. He, his two brothers and his sister hated her father with a passion. But if they thought they can torture her to settle bad blood, they got another thing coming. Shi Wu Hen was only a stand-in groom at the wedding, yet he was charmed by the new bride's cheery disposition and unbeatable optimism. This created a problem because she was his brother's wife, not his. Shi Wu Xia only had eyes for Leng Gang. She didn't care that he was a servant's son. Yet, the difference in their social status was a gulf he was unwilling and unable to cross. She recruited the unconventional Su Huan Er to help change Leng Gang's thinking... ▶欢迎订阅【森宇古装剧场】: #PerfectMatch #错点鸳鸯 #错点鸳鸯戏点鸳鸯 #DismatchedLove #森宇古装剧场 #大陆电视剧 #古装剧 #chinesedrama #costumedrama #赵丽颖 #宋轶 #韩栋 #戚迹 #黄龄 #古偶 #宅斗 #虐恋 #爱情 #悬疑 #甜宠
