In this episode, we'll once again set out foraging wild mushrooms, primarily in search of one of our absolute favorite Spring wild edibles, the Burn Morel. This week we'll return to a wildfire burn site to update viewers on the status of morels -- we'll forage delicious edible mushrooms while, at the same time, pointing out some deadly poisonous mushrooms that are good to be aware of and, of course, to avoid! We'll marvel at pyrophilous fungi (that is, "fire loving" fungi) and take a deeper look into forest ecology, as well as the role that mushrooms play in it all!
Here's a little bit of what you can expect to see:
00:00 Intro
01:42 Burn Morels (Morchella Genus)
02:01 Brief discussion of 4 Types of Burn Morels in PNW (Morchella eximia, Morchella sextelata, Morchella exuberans, & Morchella tomentosa)
05:54 Cutting a Burn Morel to Have a Look Inside
06:37 Red Belted Conk (Fomitopsis mounceae) persisting through the Burn
07:34 Tree Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria)
07:52 Thimble Morel / Early Spring Morel (Verpa bohemica)
08:32 Split Gill (Schizophyllum commune)
10:07 Beautiful Morel (Morchella Genus)
10:53 Huge flush of Morels (Morchella Genus)
12:28 Peziza Cup Fungus (Peziza Maria or Peziza arvernensis)
14:07 Incredible spore release displays!
14:30 Funeral Bell (Galerina marginata) aka Deadly Galerina
19:13 Pyrophilous Fungi - Geopyxis carbonaria and Violet Fairy Cup (Peziza Genus)
23:52 Giant Peziza Cup
24:23 More Early Spring Morels (Verpa bohemica)
25:18 Forest Fire Ecology & Burn Morel Update
Thanks so much for joining me out here on the Mushroom Trail!
Hope you're enjoying the content - can't wait to get the next video out your way!
Until then, Happy Trails!