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Dark/Revenge Li Xin is one of the best heroes for Lane Push as he can clear minions quickly. Due to his fast farming ability, he can easily build snowball effects if enemy teams lets him farm freely. He is also very strong against Tank Heroes as his fast attack speed can quickly grind down their HP.
Watch the video and see how I perform playing Dark/Revenge Li Xin in this Rank Match
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Dark/Revenge Li Xin Clash Lane EP 01
Skin: Shan Hai Ice Fire
Game Stats:
Match Type: Rank
Score Rating: 12.9
125K damage done and 102K damage taken
KDA 6/2/9
Clash Lane Enemy Hero: Arthur
About HOK Hero Dark/Revenge Li Xin:
Insane attack speed which allows him to clear minions/creeps/dragons really quickly
Along with Fuzi, Li Xin is one of the strongest Lane Pusher in game
Very strong against Tank Heroes
Can be challenging if meet high mobility heroes or heroes that don't engage in a fight
Not a very effective hero in team fights
Dark Li Xin Recommended Build:
Equipment Build Sequence:
Boots of Dexterity (Can use Boots of Deftness for Speed or Fortitude If you need more defense)
Swiftstrike Lance
Protector's Cuirass
Swiftstrike Lance
Sparkforged Dagger
Ominous Premonition
Darknight Breastplate
Cuirass of Savagery
Longnight Guardian
Hunt, Eagle Eye and Fate
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