Here's my entire line-up of 12 books to read for the 2025 Biblical Studies Challenge created and hosted by Cathryn @ReadJournalLove - she has chosen a topic for each month, so I chose one book for each topic.
The Topics
January - Hermaneutics
February - Prayer
March - Missions
April - Gospel
May - Textural Criticism
June - Heaven
July - Biblical Archeology
August - Discipleship
September - Hebrew or Greek
October - Spiritual Warfare
November - Christian History
December - Holiness
The Books
Knowing Scripture, by RC Sproul
Moms In Prayer, by Fern Nichols
Ann Judson, by Sharon James
Come and See, by Kristin Schmucker, Daily Grace Co.
Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textural Criticism, by Hixson, Gurry, & Others
Heaven, by Randy Alcorn
Unearthing the Bible, by Titus Kennedy
The Master Plan of Discipleship, by Robert Coleman
Learn to Read Hebrew in 6 Weeks, by Miiko Shaffier
The Invisible War, by Donald Grey Barnhouse
The Story of Christianity, by Justo L. Gonzalez
The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges
I mentioned: @RevReads because he reviewed the Myths and Mistakes book.
My Word of the Month
Bible Verse of the Month
I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry.” – (Psalm 40:1 NKJV)