Falling Angels by Mason Devereux, Completed 2-16-2025.
This piece was made over the course of 10 days and 21 hours of work. It is 18” by 24”, done entirely with charcoal pencil. I made this just for me, and just for fun! Although if you are interested in purchasing a print (or the original?!) you can contact me at devereuxmason30@gmail.com. I’m not sure what I should make the official title of this piece, I’ve been calling it ‘Falling Angels’ but if you have a better idea you should leave it in the comments below!
This is the first video I’ve made documenting my process of making a charcoal drawing. If you want to see more like this, I’d be happy to make more content if you leave a like and comment what I should draw next! Thank you guys for your time, and remember, keep making awesome stuff! Keep doing what makes you happy! Keep pursuing what you are passionate about.