🐸 🎟️ COME SEE US ON TOUR!: https://www.x1entertainment.com/thecomebacktour
She's not my girlfriend - she's my best friend. Her roommate is EVIL. I have proof that he was hiding in the secret hidden tunnel of my car. He is the Stalker... Let's do a lie detector test
✪ INSTA: @danieltoads https://www.instagram.com/danieltoads
♬ MUSIC CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/danielferri
✉ BUISNESS CONTACT: [email protected]
Melvin & Dane: https://www.youtube.com/@MelvinDane
Regina & Daniela: https://www.youtube.com/@reginandaniela
Andrew Vasquez: https://www.youtube.com/@andrewvasquezz