We’re completely transforming our double wide mobile home into a well organized peaceful place! Ive been watching minimalism and underconsumption videos and shows and it’s made me want to go through EVERYTHING! We’re doing a minimalism is my way thing again and who knows…maybe we’ll get it right this time! 🥰
Link to my website https://www.iamfearfullycreated.com
Link to my store https://shop-fearfully-created.printify.me/products
Fearfully Created
PO BOX 1170
Dandridge, TN 37725
Instagram https://instagram.com/fearfullycreated2?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Tiktok @fearfullycreated
HEY Y’ALL! Merina is my name and Mobile Home Livin’ is my thang! Around here I’m known for mobile home makeovers and large family mobile home livin’! I used to do mobile home livin’ in a trailer park in Tennessee. We’ve set out on a new journey and bought our dream home — a double wide mobile home on some acreage in the hills of Tennessee! We’re a homeschooling family of 6 & we are crazy about Jesus!
My community is one of the most loving, kind, and welcoming communities on this platform so pull up a seat and stay awhile 🥰