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"What are your thoughts on stuffing?," I asked my friend in a text message the other day.
"I live for the solid blob of sticky bready buttery stuff," she said.
This is the correct answer.
When it comes to the holiday table, stuffing is hands-down my favorite part. How could you not enjoy the equivalent of a half loaf of bread soaked in a half stick butter, flavored with sage, sausage, and stock, all compressed into a forkable bite?
(And that's just the part that's in the casserole dish. The rest is all gravy.)
The recipe for stuffing I'm discussing today originally appeared in my book, The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science (you can order signed and personlized copies here, or unsigned copies anywhere books are sold). I've strayed little from that original recipe, but I thought I'd revisit my original article from over a dozen years ago and share some of my thoughts since then.
Find the full recipe and article at my Patreon (free to join):
The Food Lab:
The Wok:
And my Kid’s book, Every Night is Pizza Night:
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Shot by: Michael Weiner
Edited by: Chris Lam
Produced By: Kenji Lopez-Alt, Polly Auritt, Lena Davidson