Disclaimer: None of the rods on this list are in collaboration with the companies that make them. I am an affiliate with two brands but this list is inspired by my personal experience and not to compare with rods out there I have yet to fish. This includes JDM Tenkara rods. It is important that I premise this topic that I do NOT think these are the best 6 tenkara rods in existence but merely what I have found to be the best for my needs after fishing and owning near 30 rods. To make these decisions, I concluded the following: 1. Rods that were not Japanese imported. Easily replaced parts and quick shipping. 2. Rods can catch the average small stream trout in various conditions 3. Rod aesthetics and design 4. Had desirable actions based on industry standards. Rods: 1. DRAGONtail Mizuchi 2. Seiyu Therapy 33 3. Wasatch Tenkara Rods Baby Rodzilla 4. Tenkara USA Ukiyo 5. DRAGONtail Rangarok 6. DRAGONtail Nirvana Kokoro 360 Links: Wasatch Tenkara: https://www.wasatchtenkararods.com/?ref=Wl4OWQTc USE CODE SKIDDY10 in the checkout for 10% off DRAGONtail: https://dragontailtenkara.com/?ref=Skiddyfishing Seiyu Therapy: https://seiyugear.com/e/Seiyu-Therapy-33-adaptive-tenkara-fly-fishing-rod-MSRP-of-$180-p569696337 Tenkara USA: https://tenkarausa.com/products/compact-tenkara-rod-ukiyo