I had a friend crack one of my favorite comic books out of it’s CGC Slab to clean, press, and resubmit for a signature series. The results are in… HOW DID WE DO? Also... my first ever mail call!
Find me on Instagram at: LunchMoneyComicsIG
Looking for the absolute BEST comic cleaning and pressing from a pro? Contact Comic Spa! [email protected]
Malko Protectors: https://www.malkoprotectors.com
Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research: https://lustgarten.org/
Nick's Comic Strip: https://nickscs.com/
HoleyMoleys Comics: https://holeymoleys.com
Like what I do? You can buy me a coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lunchmoneycomic
00:00 - Intro
00:56 - Mail Call
09:04 - X-Men 101 Resubmission
#comics #cgcunboxing #comicpressing #comichunting #comiccollecting #comicbooks #marvel #xmen #captaincarter #magneto #jeangrey #phoenix #darkphoenix #chrisclaremont #cgcgrading