Ketu Mahadasha is a roller coaster ride that shakes the natives up for ever. Vedic Astrology identifies Ketu as a liberator that frees an individual from worldly ties . Ketu helps form a deep connection with the spiritual world.
However, being born out of a demonic entity, Ketu’s way of liberating happens to be a painful one. This explains why people experience extreme pain in Ketu’s Mahadasha.
Rahu is another karmic planet which technically shares its origins with Ketu. The demonic entity that was cut into two parts by Lord Vishnu resurrected as two different demons Rahu and Ketu .
When these two come together during Ketu mahadasha and Rahu antardasha, going naturally gets tough for natives placed under their influence.
In this video, I share my own personal, honest and unfiltered experience of undergoing Rahu antardasha during Ketu mahadasha . How my family, finances, job , children and other aspects of life were affected around this time.
Please watch this video till the end to understand these mysterious demonic beings Rahu and Ketu , better .
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Part 1 : केतु महादशा का मेरा सच्चा अनुभव सभी अन्तर्दशाओं में । Ketu Mahadasha Personal Experience & Remedies
Part 2 : केतु से शुक्र | दशा संधि क्या है? How to Manage difficult Dasha Sandhi Phase? Easy Remedies
Part 3 : अशुभ केतु के लक्षण | बिना कुंडली कैसे पहचानें कि केतु महादशा चल रही है? Ketu Mahadasha Symptoms
Part 4 : कठिन केतु महादशा को करें काबू इन उपायों से How Did I Manage a Difficult Ketu Mahadasha? Ketu Remedy
Part 5 : केतु महादशा में क्यों टूटते हैं विवाह, प्रेम सम्बन्ध? Why Love & Marriages FAIL in KETU MAHADASHA?
Part 6 : केतु महादशा की सबसे कष्टकारी अंतरदशा ! केतु का ये सीक्रेट कोई नहीं बताता | Ketu Mahadasha's Secret
Part 7 : केतु राहु का महादान सप्त अनाज। पक्षियों को ये अनाज खिलाकर दूर करें ९ ग्रहों की पीड़ा | ketu Mahadasha Remedies
Part 8 : केतु महादशा किस उम्र में देती है सबसे ज़्यादा दुःख 😭 | Ketu Mahadasha Effects on different Age Groups | Must Watch
Part 9 : केतु की मार से बचना हो तो छोड़ दें ये काम | Things To AVOID during Ketu Mahadasha
Part 10 : केतु में खोया हुआ,क्या शुक्र महादशा में वापस मिलता है? Will Venus Mahadasha Return what Was Lost in Ketu?
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Topics covered :
,Ketu Mahadasha Effects,kesar ka tilak,saffron tilak,Ketu Mahadasha in Ketu Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Venus Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Sun Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Moon Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Mars Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Rahu Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Jupiter Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Saturn Antardasha,Ketu Mahadasha in Mercury Antardasha,ketu ke upay,ketu remedies,ketu mahadasha effects,physical changes during ketu mahadasha,ketu personal experience
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