Hey almost dentists! Welcome to our first ever video on our YouTube Channel!
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Contents of the video:
00:00 - Intro
01:21 - My Preparation Story/Timeline
05:14 - My Study Materials
11:52 - Exam Day Experience
14:40 - Post Exam Thoughts
Important Links:
Website- https://jcnde.ada.org/en/inbde
Video- https://youtu.be/-dtGvSf9t7s
Study Material Links
Mental Dental: https://youtube.com/@mentaldental
Anki Decks: https://www.reddit.com/r/dentalschoolanki/comments/pclofy/thefrenchdentistes_inbde_prep_deck/
Telegram groups:
Inbde Friends - https://t.me/inbde_friends
For more updates, follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealmostdentists
Thank you for watching!