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Apple Bloom’s anxieties about getting her Cutie Mark turn her life into a nightmare from which she may never escape.
Princess Twilight’s efforts to stop Starlight from altering the past continue, but she fears that they may be in vain.
When notorious outlaw Troubleshoes Clyde returns to menace the Appleoosa rodeo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders realize that bringing him to justice might be the key to finally getting their cutie marks.
Season 5:
Twilight continuing her journey of becoming a princess in Equestria with the help of her friends; they discover that her new castle includes a magical map that highlights troubles across Equestria for them to resolve.
🌈 Meet My Little Pony Rainbow Squads 🌈
Whether an alicorn like Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn like Rarity, a pegasus like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy or an earth pony like Pinkie Pie and Applejack, get to know your favorite friends from My Little Pony and Equestria Girls!
The Ponies:
💜 Twilight Sparkle: The leader of the Mane 6, she shares the magic of friendship with everypony she meets.
❤️ Fluttershy: A kind and gentle pony with a love of all creatures, big and small.
🧡 Applejack: Honest, friendly and sweet to the core!
💛 Pinkie Pie: The silliest pony around, she knows how to turn any frown upside down!
💚 Rarity: The resident fashionista, known for her beauty and generosity.
💙 Rainbow Dash: A loyal and dependable friend who is always ready for adventure!
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#MagicalFriendshipMoments #Hasbro