2 months of building... 2 MONTHS! And it's finally here... It's a 6,5 minute long layout with a NONG song. You can replace the song in local files.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op4CV5gpBvs
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBFac7wOYiE
About the level:
Title: Aleph
ID: 66759155
Song: LeaF - Aleph 0 (NONG song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTaWKbD3UK8
Song ID: 222 (lol)
Difficulty: mas o menos Insane Demon e
Length: XL
Coins: 3
How to get the coins:
Coin 1 - Take the black key at the first wave part (0:31) and then take the second black key at the break robot part (1:14). Then the coin will appear between two teleports (1:41).
Coin 2 - take the red skull (2:05) and the second coin will appear at the slow ship part (4:04).
Coin 3 - Collect 4 green coins at the memory wave part (4:26) and the green key will appear at the end of the part (collect it). The coin will appear at the last triple spike (6:27).
That's it. Enjoy the level :3
- EmilBro64