I am a Brazilian from the North of Brazil (Pará) and I arrived in Norway in 2011. And I don't think that even a master's degree from a renowned university would give me as many experiences (good and bad) as I have had in these 10 years here.
Being Brazilian outside of my home, Brazil, has never been easy. But I have never regretted the choices I made. Living outside of Brazil was never something I planned, but I ended up coming to live in Norway.
And not regretting it does not necessarily mean that everything is easy. Dealing with all kinds of challenges, starting over from scratch, literally from scratch, is not as simple as it seems.
The adaptation process is something that is part of my life in Norway, even 12 years later I continue to adapt.
Because for me, life in Norway is just that: adapting.
For these 12 years, I have been fighting to take my place in the sun (I mean, on ice) and I have fought hard to achieve my goals.
I am no different from anyone else, I do not have a better or worse story than yours, as you are reading this text now.
I am just one more in the crowd of those who dream and go after it, I am doing both.
And it is exactly for this reason, because I do not have a story that is either better or worse than anyone else's, that I value mine so much, that I celebrate my achievements, that I allow myself to suffer when pain knocks on my door.
That I do not negotiate my values, nor do I give up the freedom to be myself.
Because in the midst of so many stories, I have mine. And it is for this story, my story, that I am responsible for building.
Despite having a very harsh winter, Norway is also extremely rich. It is no wonder that the country is at the top of the list when it comes to HDI (Human Development Index).
Norway is known worldwide not only for its natural beauty, oil production, and abundance of cod, but also for its natural phenomena such as the midnight sun and the northern lights.
But what is behind the scenes of the "happiest country in the world?"
What is the real routine like for those who live here?
What is it like to be an immigrant in this country?
What challenges (besides adaptation) to the climate, culture, and habits do we Brazilians who live here face?
These and many other questions are the subject of today's video.
And I hope to see you in the comments so we can talk about everything that no one has ever told you about life in Norway.
Thank you for visiting and staying on the channel.
A kiss: Wilqui Dias.🥰
#BRAZILIANNORWAY #MYLIFEINNORWAY #ANORUEGAEEU #LIFEOUTSIDE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you for your visit and stay on the channel.🥰