Welcome to my oracle deck collection video. This is a roundup of all 17 oracle decks in my collection, which includes mostly commercial oracle decks and an indie deck.
1:11 Rockpool Publishing:
1:42 Devine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco
3:56 Wild Woman Oracle by Cheyenne Zarate
5:54 Celtic Spirit Oracle by Nicola Macintosh
7:12 Season of The Witch (Samhain, Beltane, Mabon, Imbolc) by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz
10:04 Hay House :
10:28 Urban Crow Oracle by M.J. Cullinane
12:10 The Tree of Life Oracle by David Wells
14:49 The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell
17:31 Moonology and Moonology Manifest Oracles by Yasmin Boland
19:51 Unopened decks: Herbal Astrology, Angels and Ancestors, The Rooted Woman Oracles. I have a separate video about these https://youtu.be/_LmQyemgIrA
20:30 Circo Books: Heavenly Bodies Astrology Oracle by Lily Ashwell
22:28 Indie deck: Tree Wisdom Card by Lisa Mcloughlin Art: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LisaMcLoughlinArt
Music used with kind permission from Steve Kermode (aka Skerm)