#tubeamp #ibanez #hughesandkettneramps
#hughesandkettneramps #hughesandkettneramps #ibanez #mesaboogie #tubeamp
This is a very special built. I am sharing with you my new Preamp "Electric Rain" it has a whole ton of Gain reminding me on Mesa Boogie Rectifier, but it is originally based on the Hughes & Kettner Tubeman Mk1. Of course I am sharing my Schematics with you for free!
00:00 Teaser
00:26 Overview
01:09 Crunch / Overdrive Sounds
02:23 Clean / Mild Overdrive
03:11 Metal Distortion
04:25 Schematic / Built Process and Hints
15:42 Thermal Imaging
16:23 Noodling & Tonestack Run-Through
21:34 Future Projects Spoiler
Dropbox Link for Schematics: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lswu5zbizetqvxl07vxb8/Electric-RainTube-Preamp-ER-1-Files.rar?rlkey=xm0zlypw9gm7lek0sdeb1t2m4&st=km3qd9tj&dl=0