In this video, we talk about parental pressure to marry within the same culture and the fear of opening up the topic of wanting to marry someone of a different ethnicity.
We receive so many comments and questions, and this is by far the most asked question on our channel. 'How do I tell my parents that I want to marry someone from another culture?' Many variations, but it's the same question over and over. We sat down and discussed some of the cases we know of, as well as troubleshooting the issue, speaking about the actual difficulties marrying outside of the culture can pose, and sharing the Islamic viewpoint and rulings.
Please feel free to leave your thoughts below and share any stories you know of, or may be going through yourself.
May all of our intentions be purified and our hearts softened.
00:00 - Intro
01:53 - Reading comments about not being allowed to marry outside of culture
04:44- Islam, Quran, Hadith approach to marrying outside of culture
07:31 - Typical scenario, is it racist?
11:01 - Parents refusing, consequences, solutions, marrying for parents
17:29 - Islam and cultural values being abused by parents
20:59 - Problems with marrying outside of culture, language barriers, dress, rituals
31:30- You can’t have it both ways (children and parents)
37:34 - Preserving cultural values or diluting culture values
44:35 - Disguising racisms, tribalism, colourism as religion and culture
48:50 - Would you allow your daughter to marry the Prophet (saw) or Sahabah?
51:03 - Racist comments we have received and closing thoughts
I N S T A G R A M:
➡ @thexs.official
➡ @amaratheninja
➡ @whoissufyanx
M U S I C:
➡ Epidemic Sound
B U S I N E S S E M A I L:
➡ [email protected]
#marriage #muslimmarriage #interracialmarriage #ethnicity