In this video, *MY PROBLEM SHELF PART TWO,* I dive into the challenges I've been facing with some of my Hoyas. If you're a plant enthusiast or collector of Hoyas and other exotic plants, this video is for you! Join me as I share plant care tips, problem-solving strategies, and updates on how I’m managing some of the toughest situations with my beloved Hoyas. From dealing with underwatering to lighting issues, I’ll give you insight into the common struggles that many plant parents experience with rare plants.
This episode is the second where I’ll be tackling the problems I'm facing with one of my grow-shelves head-on, showcasing the highs and lows of growing Hoyas and other unique houseplants. Whether you're a seasoned plant collector or just starting with Hoyas, you'll find useful tips and tricks to help you nurture your own plants and keep them thriving. Make sure to subscribe for future updates, tips, and more plant-related content!
*Don't forget to subscribe for more rare plant content, plant updates, and tips on how to care for Hoyas and other unique houseplants!*
*Time Stamp*
00:00 — Opening
00:34 — Thanks
01:19 — Seeds Update
02:22 — Blooms
03:04 — My Problem Shelf
05:11 — Hoya insularis
08:44 — Hoya lacunosa ‘Amarillo’
13:05 — Hoya sulawesiana
18:49 — Hoya brevialata
22:34 — Hoya thomsonii
25:12 — Hoya caudata ‘Sumatra’
29:20 — Hoya caudata flagellata
32:44 — Hoya sp SR2007-13
35:49 — Hoya elliptica
38:20 — After
38:52 — Special Thanks
39:15 — Question for the Comments
39:55 — Closing
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