I decided I'm gonna put a lot more energy into caring for my alocasias AND I'd like to collect at least 3-4 more this year so I thought I'd show you my entire collection as it stands right now since it's been a heckin long time since I last showed my alocasia collection! I also feel like I'm so out of the alocasia loop so if there are any that you think would be up my alley pleeease let me know 🫶🏻
Also, all glass vessels shown in this video are either thrifted or from IKEA!
Charmaine / @unplantparenthood: https://www.instagram.com/unplantparenthood
Jing / @planthappens: https://www.instagram.com/unplantparenthood
Lauren / @northshoretropicals: https://www.instagram.com/northshoretropicals
PRODUCTS MENTIONED (*affiliate links):
Predatory mites for spider mites (Koppert Spical Ulti-mite): https://www.koppert.com/spical-ulti-mite/
Rousseau pendant grow light: https://rousseauplant.care/collections/grow-lights/products/pendant-grow-light-black-with-wall-timer
*Lechuza Pon (Canada): https://amzn.to/3weC58M
MY FAVOURITE GROW LIGHTS (affiliate links):
Mother Life PlantSpectrum light: https://mother.life/US/shop/plantspectrum/b03e8b49
Barrina T5 2ft yellow (CANADA): https://amzn.to/3OlKgVO
Barrina T5 2ft yellow (USA): https://amzn.to/3EpnYOA
Instagram: @youdontevengrowhere https://bit.ly/3sR2K7Y
Shop my favourite plant products (affiliate links): https://amzn.to/32Sb4cC
All music and sound effects courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Get a 7 day free trial here: https://share.epidemicsound.com/kpnjj3