Hi everyone, it's Annabel, welcome back to my channel! In today's video we are taking a look at some of my favourite foliage orchids, which I would say rival or exceed traditional houseplants for beautiful foliage! As a bonus, you also get beautiful, often fragrant flowers with these. So, what's not to love?!
All of the orchids I have picked here to show you are easy to care for, and I have had most of them between one to four years, so I have a good perspective on their likes and dislikes. I haven't shown any cooler growing or trickier foliage orchids, although I do have a few. I wanted to stick to pretty orchids that I grow in my grow room, that tolerate hot, dry (30C, ~30% humidity) summers and intermediate winters (I heat the room to 18-24C, 60-70% humidity), with the rest of the seasons ranging between 18-26C and 40-60% humidity. I have a range of temperatures and humidity levels across the seasons that these orchids grow well at, so I would say they are very un-fussy. They also dealt well with the house move and environment change.
I haven't included any that get leaf die back or curling during low humidity and hotter temperatures, as I think the avearage home may not have good humidity, and this doesn't matter for these orchids if they are provided with good watering practices. So I think these are all suited to the home very well!
Sorry about the audio here, this was filmed after work quickly and I couldn't redo it...I may need a better mic as the next investment!
Do you have any favourite foliage orchids? Let me know down below, it would be fun to make a list! One I didn't include here, and I should have, is my little variegated Neofinetia falcata- shown here: https://youtu.be/ikErEix1Hrk . The reason I didn't include it initially is simply that it is extremely slow-growing, compared to normal form Neofinetia. So I think it is less suitable, unless you are really into Neofinetia.
For any newcomers, welcome to my channel! And to everyone- thanks so much for watching!
Time stamps:
00:00 Introduction
01:42 Mottled Leaves
08:20 Silver Leaves
09:30 White Variegation
11:38 Succulent, Striped Leaves
14:00 Grassy Foliage
15:46 Glossy, Leafy Foliage
17:03 Succulent and Trailing Orchids
21:49 Summary
Summary Videos- Me as a Grower
Semi-Hydro Overview & Modifications, dry layer fixes: https://youtu.be/k2nmcWAz_rc
Inorganic Media:
https://youtu.be/fEo-YOAGdi8 (Part 1)
https://youtu.be/09Inrxr14tQ (Part 2, refined)
Watering & Fertilising:
Short routine: https://youtu.be/tqUb3PQoZBU
Long, detailed nutrient mixes, pH adjusting: https://youtu.be/p87-HcOuRTE
Phalaenopsis Advanced Care: https://youtu.be/BLca9G9LVxM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.orchid.room/
❀ My Orchid Room ❀
UK Conservatory
Temps- 18-35C
Humidity 30-90% (high if it's raining outside, low if warm)
Natural light in summer, LEDs in winter
✩ Plant Products I Use & Love ✩
Quick Disclaimer - These are products I genuinely love, buy and use- I wouldn't list something I didn't use regularly and purchase myself. I've provided links to try and make them easier to find, some of these are Amazon affiliate links. If you choose to purchase any of these products through the Amazon links below, I may get a small percentage towards future purchases, which really helps!
❀ Inorganic Media ❀
RHS Alpine Horticultural grit or washed gravel- pebble top layer
LECA - Canna Aqua Brand: https://amzn.to/2Z5sPPy
Lava rock, small grade: https://amzn.to/30J3Z9y
or larger, used here: https://amzn.to/2CPXCt0
Pumice : Medium grade ~10mm : https://amzn.to/3aTCIFn Or Kaizen bonsai, small or large grade: https://bit.ly/3aeYKRW
Synthic: UK supplier https://bit.ly/2RCb4oI
US: Glassbox Tropicals : https://bit.ly/2wHy2na
Seramis : https://amzn.to/2QdyP59 or https://bit.ly/2V90RSJ (cheaper)
❃ Organic media ❃
Sphagnum- Besgrow
Orchiata bark
💧Water & Nutrients🌱
RO system: https://amzn.to/3hz5QER
ZeroWater Filter: https://amzn.to/2KaaYjP
Rain Mix:
UK: https://bit.ly/2yaTfX5
Akerne: https://bit.ly/2XEj3W3
Silicon: https://amzn.to/2K41IxJ
Seaweed: Maxicrop: https://amzn.to/2VbQ0rv Or Envii: https://amzn.to/3fZ1bek
Quick Watering Day video: https://youtu.be/tqUb3PQoZBU (Short)
My Watering / Fertilising Routine: https://youtu.be/p87-HcOuRTE (Full, detailed, long)
🐛Pest Control🐛
Pink Sun Neem Oil/Soap duo: https://amzn.to/39qyPam
Systemic insecticide Bug Clear Ultra (5g/l Acetamiprid):
Large: https://amzn.to/39nTzzS (Use at 10ml/litre)
Small: https://amzn.to/2smCUfp
💡 Lighting 💡
High Light Orchids
GEMMA Lights: https://bit.ly/34CqY7Z , 10% discount code 'OrchidRoom'
Mars Hydro TS600 : https://amzn.to/3bagRcS
#Foliage #Orchids #PrettyLeaves