👉 See more our projects:
web-site: https://zrobim.us/arkhitektura/nashi-proekty-domov.html
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zrobimarchitects_us?igsh=MWVzM3UyaXl1NWd4MA==
👉 Pass THE QUIZ and get a free architect consultation: https://mrqz.me/6362331e50deac004f0ce65f?roistat_visit=6262611
Welcome to the highly anticipated tour of the INTROVERT ARCHITECT’S HOME! In this video, we take you inside the fully completed house of our studio’s founder, Alexey Korablyov, as he shares his firsthand experience of living here after a year.
What architectural and design choices turned out to be perfect? What would he change or do differently? From smart design solutions to unexpected lessons of country living, we’re diving deep into every detail.
Grab a cup of tea, get inspired, and enjoy the tour!
🔴 Project Inquiries:
+1 929 708 7523 Alexey
[email protected]
169 Madison Ave STE 2830
New York, NY 10 016
+19792574569 Pavel
[email protected]
66 W Flagler Street
Suite 900 - Miami, FL 33130
🔴 Follow us:
We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zrobim_architects/
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Our Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zrobym-archtects/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/zrobim
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/architects2034/
Instagram Andrus Bezdar: https://www.instagram.com/andrusbezdar/
Instagram Alexey Korablyov: https://www.instagram.com/bykorablove/
We are is a full-service architectural and design firm, with 7 offices around the world working on residential, commercial, educational, and cultural projects. Our projects are customized to our clients’ needs and represent rigorous and uncompromising, highly appropriate and smart design solutions.
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