치즈와 같이 카페에서 듣는 플레이리스트 {MY X SET} | 4K
올 한 해 고마웠던 친구에게 치즈의 포근한 플레이리스트를 전해보세요.
Share CHEEZE's cozy playlist and tender words with a dear friend this year.
See you on {the other side!}
Other sides of us
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/baverse_studio/
Melon : https://www.melon.com/dj/djfinder/djfinder_inform.htm?djSearchType=T&djSearchKeyword=baverse
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/user/w52gpqc6m73mhemshx326zgfw
Check out CHEEZE’s other sides
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dalchong
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/cheeze__official