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【 分杭峠 ゼロ磁場 】ごく普通の人間の私が経験したゼロ磁場の不思議! Mysterious phenomenon of zero magnetic field

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この動画は、スピリチュアルな感覚など無いごく普通の人間の私が経験した不思議な現象の映像です。 分杭峠は長野県伊那市と大鹿村の境にあり、磁力が存在しないということでパワースポットとして知られています。 This video is a video of a mysterious phenomenon that l experienced as an ordinary human being who has no spiritual senses. Bungui Pass is known as a power spot because it is located on the boundary between Ina City and Oshika Village in Nagano Prefecture and is on the fault of the Median Tectonic Line and has no magnetic force.
