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【養和快問快答】子宮切除手術的疑惑 Myths about Hysterectomy - 阮邦武醫生 (養和婦產科專科醫生)

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#子宮切除 是常見的婦科手術,主要原因包括 #子宮肌瘤、子宮腺肌瘤、經血過多、不正常的子宮出血、子宮內膜異位、子宮脫垂等,其他還包括 #婦科癌症,如子宮內膜癌、卵巢癌及子宮頸癌等;但不少女士對切除子宮有難以啟齒的疑惑。養和婦產科中心婦產科專科醫生阮邦武醫生為大家講解子宮切除手術的主要原因,逐一拆解有關切除子宮的常見謬誤。 Hysterectomy is a common gynecological surgery, primarily performed for reasons such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, excessive menstrual bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, and other conditions including gynecological cancers such as endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer. However, there are numerous sensitive doubts surrounding it. Dr. YUEN Pong Mo, Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology of HKSH Obstetrics & Gynaecology Centre explains the key reasons for hysterectomy and addresses common misconceptions related to the procedure. 00:10 為什麼要切除子宮?What are the reasons for requiring a hysterectomy? 00:36 子宮切除術會切除哪些組織?What tissues are removed in a hysterectomy? 01:10 切除子宮時,應保留子宮頸嗎?When removing the uterus, should the cervix be retained? 02:10 切除子宮時,應同時切除卵巢嗎?When removing the uterus, should the ovaries be removed as well? 02:56 切除子宮後會否加速衰老?服用荷爾蒙可延緩老化嗎?Does removing the uterus lead to earlier ageing? Can taking hormones help delay ageing? 03:30 切除子宮後會影響性生活嗎?Does removing the uterus affect sex life? 03:50 切除子宮後,原有的位置會成了空洞嗎?鄰近器官會否掉下?After removing the uterus, will there be an empty space in its place? Will other organs drop down? 04:10 子宮切除後會引致盆底鬆弛或器官下垂嗎?Following a hysterectomy, will there be pelvic floor weakening or organ prolapse? 04:55 子宮切除後會有漏尿或尿失禁?Following a hysterectomy, will there be urinary leakage or incontinence? 想了解養和婦產科中心的服務,請聯絡: 養和婦產科中心 地址: 香港跑馬地山村道二號養和醫院李樹芬院五樓 電話: (852) 2835 7878 電郵: [email protected] WhatsApp: (852) 2835 7878 (非急症)
