Nabi Ay Sajde Wich | New Qaisda 2020 | Hassan Sadiq | New Kalam 2020 [HD]
#NabiAySajde #HassanSadiq #ImamHussain
Nabi Ay Sajde Wich | New Qaisda 2020 | Hassan Sadiq | New Kalam 2020 |
Hassan Sadiq recited this beautiful Qasida "Nabi Ay Sajde Wich" on the request of his Fans. He has also described the full context of its lyrics, when and why it was said with very powerful wording and beautifully composed.
Qasida Imam Ali Raza a.s
Mera Hussain Bagh-e-Nabuwat Ka Phool Hai
Qasam Khuda Ki Hamara Imam a.s Zinda Hai
Almaan Walay de Deeway Baalan
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