Dearest Friends, I can enjoy lots with the Grado Black at $70, Grado Green at $90, the Nagaoka MP-110 exceedingly at $125. I can enjoy lots with the Grado Red at $170, the Goldring 1006 at $250, and the Nagaoka MP-150 exceedingly at $250.
Performance vs price wise, the MP-150 demolishes the Grado Ref Plat 2 and the 2M Bronze, making the value proposition for the Platinum and Bronze very weak.
The MP-200 vs the MP-150😄...yes as what fellow friends who had gone ahead to buy the MP-200 and listen to it few months ago BEFORE i did...opined: "Well, I’ve been doing just that and I must say that now I cannot stop listening to the MP 200. It sneaks up on you. It has a natural, real sound that is very pleasing and addicting. It does everything the MP 150 does, but in a more refined manner. It doesn’t draw attention to itself, but it does get noticed. I can’t really explain it well. What I do know is that I keep going back for more. I’m looking forward to your review one day! Vinyl Blessings!" from Bryan 26th Apr 2018
Another said: "the MP-200 does what the MP-150 does, but with even more refinement."
This MP-200 is extremely good.
Love you friends and buddies👋😄!! MoFi StudioDeck vs Rega Planar3 next🏁🎶🎶🎶
~ ian.
*Background :-)
Dearest Friends and Buddies,
I am Ian and I reside in sunny Singapore. I love our Vinyl Community and Vinyl Music. Vinyl analogue playback is utterly blissful, and I want for fellow friends and buddies to engage in vinyl music for many, many years in their life, each vinyl buddy through their school life, through the hustle and bustle of daily work, accompany them through precious hours at home with their family members or in their hostel with their friends. Vinyl music is blissful, free of time smear, phase shift, pre-ring and post-ring that plagues digital playback. Vinyl buddies and friends can all attest to that. It is not warm in the “bassy warm” sense, it is not soothing in the sense that “everything gets smoothed out”. It is because it is analogue, very detailed, calm, invigorating, enthralling, dynamic, refreshing. In a word, blissful. Utterly :-D
I want for all to get the very equipment that will get us there. These equipment, I firmly believe, are present, and existent, even at affordable price points!..and I started off in Dec 2015 hunting out for them, selling off my own Rega RP6 (which my wife and I loved) to fund the first batch of cartridges for review: the 5 cartridges in Group A ($70-$80), and the 7 cartridges in Group B ($90-$130). Subsequently I told myself to set aside $500-$1000 per month from my monthly salary to buy equipment to review. My own money. Quite a hefty sum monthly, significant to me, as I am a salaried man. This is my commitment. I believe in every field, there are people who have to make the sacrifice to pursue their love for the greater good, and to serve, the community of friends. I have also downsized my car in mid-2017 so as to commit these monies to fund these projects. I totally, rigorously, and kindly reject all forms of donations, be they from friends, from retailers, from manufacturers. This is a hobby, and my teachers and advisors in life have advised me that to bring balance to life, and to be wholesome, one will engage in a livelihood (daily job or business) that earns the monies, and one will also simultaneously engage in a hobby/service in life that is non-competitive, non-monetarily-remunerative. My wife totally understands what I want to do for the community and she so kindly supports my decision and efforts. Vinyl music is a lovely hobby I hold dearly. Friends and buddies are my ultimate responsibility and my love. I want the very best for them, and to provide totally honest reviews. Moles exist in hifi forums, moles also exist from benefactors who donate. I do not want to remotely encounter any moles masquerading as benefactors donating to my cause, only to find out sooner or later that such donations were/are from certain manufacturers or retailers. Everybody will do things differently. I want to maintain my status as a common-folk, aspire always to adopt the Shokunin spirit: of spending the utmost diligent care, through unhurried work, never caring for returns, in perfecting their work for the community. The personal satisfaction of getting to the very best equipment in each price class to help all my lovely buddies and friends is, the only thing, in store for me :-D We toast to the joy and bliss of vinyl analogue music. Vinyl Music deserves our love and attention. Our listening. Our care.
We toast to the lively spirit of:
“Everybody will be dancing and doing it right!"
Let's go, buddies and friends!!!
Warmest Regards,
~ ian :-D
Other equipment:
turntables: avid sequel sp with sme v, technics sl1200gae, sl1200g, sl1200mk5, sl1200mk2, rega p3, mofi studiodeck, rega p1
phonostages: schiit mani, avid pulsare2, croft riaa rs, icon audio ps1mk2 with harma ecc83 (from watfordvalves)