When I'm not studying financial markets or editing Youtube videos, I do enjoy traveling to foreign countries and experiencing different cultures. This past September, I was fortunate enough to visit the beautiful country of Namibia. My friends and I packed our things into a Ford Ranger and drove across the country, stopping at many interesting locations, most of which I didn't think to exist, namely a harbor where sand dunes touch the ocean, an abandoned German diamond mining town from the early 1900s, a dried clay pan in the middle of the desert with preserved 900-year old trees, and many more that you'll see in the video.
The world can seem small when countries are reduced to numbers and economic data points on a Bloomberg screen. But trips like this always remind me just how vast this planet really is and how I've really only scratched the surface in regards to my own experience, although I take every opportunity to expand my world view - one trip at a time.
This video took the longest time to edit out of any of my other videos by far so if you enjoyed, leave a like and do consider subscribing!
The rental company we used for this trip: https://www.berg4x4rentals.co.za/
Follow me on Instagram: aaron_yao_
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