Narayana & Co Latest Telugu Full Movie 4K on Mango Comedy Scenes. Narayana & Co Latest Telugu Movie Starring Sudhakar Komakula, Aamani, Devi Prasad, Arati Podi, Yamini B, Pooja Kiran, Jay Krishna, Sapthagiri, Thotapalli Madhu, and Ananth. Directed by Chinna Papisetty. Produced by Papisetty Brothers & Sudhakar Komakula. Music by Dr.Josyabhatla Sharma. #SudhakarKomakula #AratiPodi #Aamani #DeviPrasad #MangoComedyScenes
A middle-class family in financial distress agrees to an illegal deal and sets out to overcome their problems, discovering the true meaning of family in the process.